August 2023
Have Your Say! Help Transform the Accident and Emergency (A&E) Triaging Experience
Are you an adult over 18 with experience in UK A&E services?
We cordially invite you to participate in our groundbreaking research study to help shape the future of emergency room care.
Are Long Waiting Times a Concern?
The number of patients waiting over 12 hours in corridor trolley beds for A&E admission is at a record high. The extended waiting times not only affect patient comfort and well-being but also place a significant burden on medical staff, leading to increased workload pressures. In response, we aim to automate and streamline the A&E triage assessment process. A cuttingedge prototype seeks to alleviate this situation by significantly reducing patient waiting times and easing the workload for medical professionals.
Your Insight Matters!
Your firsthand experience and insight will be instrumental in identifying the potential advantages and disadvantages of implementing an automated triage system. By sharing your valuable feedback, you can contribute to shaping an efficient and patient-centered A&E triage system.
Win Big in the Prize Draw!
Leave your email address on our survey to enter our exciting prize draw for a chance to win one of five £50 Amazon vouchers! Winners will be drawn in mid-October.
How to access the study
Simply follow the URL link to access the study.
If you have any concerns or questions please email: or
April 2023
Since November 2021, the TAS Hub in Partnership with Thales has conducted workshops with each of the six TAS Nodes to develop a series of articles based on Thales’ use cases. The high-impact and compelling content showcases how the TAS Programme, and Thales within it, is emerging as the global centre for TAS research, providing exciting opportunities for all.
The cross-cutting research outputs and prototypes emerging from the activities of the Hub, the Nodes, and pump-primed external partners (e.g. machine learning models, proof-of-concept platforms, testbeds) will be of benefit to our industrial partners and their clients, customers, and/or end users.
Our research outputs will be published according to the Findable Accessible Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data principles. This will allow research outputs to be indexed and findable, but it will also help to understand who are subject matter experts. Specific vertical product ideas, however, will be exploited (including potentially being protected and licenced).
19 December 2022
Call for Participation: The First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems 2023 (TAS ‘23) | 11-12 July 2023 | Edinburgh, UK
The UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems (TAS) Hub has recently invited submissions on novel and creative multidisciplinary research projects focused on trustworthy autonomous systems and their responsible development, for the First International Symposium on Trustworthy Autonomous Systems 2023 (TAS ‘23).
The TAS ’23 symposium will include a networking event for Early Career Researchers (ECRs) and travel grants will be available for ECRs.
Full-paper submissions and poster abstracts that take a multidisciplinary approach to address the challenges of designing, building, and deploying Trustworthy Autonomous Systems are invited. Contributions should consider social, legal, ethical, and technical issues and their impacts on individuals, society, and the economy.
Important dates:
February 2023: Submission of poster abstracts and full papers
April 2023: Notifications
11-12 July 2023: TAS ’23 symposium
More information
To read the call for participation in full, visit
24 February 2022
Radu Calinescu has been awarded a UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub pump-priming research grant for the 12-month project “DAISY: Diagnostic AI System for Robot-Assisted A&E Triage”.
08 November 2021
The 19th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2021) conference program is now available and the (free) registration is open.
This online event will be held between 6-10 December 2021 and is jointly organised by Carnegie Mellon University (US), Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan) and University of York (UK) . It aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government, to advance the state of the art in formal methods, to facilitate their uptake in the software industry, and to encourage their integration within practical software engineering methods and tools.
1 October 2021
TAS Node in Resilience PI, Amel Bennaceur from the Open University, will be be presenting at "Positive Future of AI" organised by the Cambridge Women in Machine Learning & Data Science on 13th October 2021 from 5pm-6pm.

24 August 2021
As part of the UKRI TAS Hub All Hands Meeting from 14 to 16 September, 2021, several of the TAS Node in Resilience investigators and researchers will be giving pre-recorded talks, fireside chats and workshops. Day 2 (15 September) is open to the general public where you will be able to hear from our PI, Radu Calinescu from 9.30-10.30am. These fireside chats are your chance to ask questions about that research - so be sure to watch the talks beforehand
Go to the TAS Programme Fireside Chat and Q&A > Scroll down to see the talks > watch and prepare your discussions for the lively Fireside Chat with the six Node Principal Investigators on 15 September ** You’ll need to register for the event to watch the talks.
Did you know you can add your notes, questions, and chat directly with delegates in sessions on the event platform? You'll see these options available in each session, in the mobile Whova app.
You can see the entire programme and register here
16 June 2021
As part of the UK Festival of Robotics, the Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) and CSI:Cobot project are jointly hosting a manufacturing robotics challenge for young researchers, developers, and industrialists working in robotics and digital manufacturing technologies.
The challenge will be held remotely from the 19th to the 21st of July on the theme of collaborative robot safety. Participants will use digital twinning technology to develop solutions to the provided challenges, and drive real hardware at Factory 2050 in Sheffield. The event will bring together early career researchers and engineers from across disciplines to develop practical solutions to real-world problems in a competitive environment.
The event is open to final-year masters students, PhD students, early-career researchers, industrial engineers and others with relevant experience in areas including robotics, autonomous systems, computer vision, machine learning, augmented reality, and safety. Successful applicants will be arranged into small teams, based on skills and experience, and will compete against each other to complete a series of robotics challenges.
The Manufacturing Robotic Challenge 2021 is a follow up from the highly successful MRC 2019. This year the event will revolve around covid-19! Robots have revealed themselves as very valuable assets for the fight against coronavirus (Forbes, theGuardian). Participants will have the opportunity to control real and simulated robots to perform covid related tasks, such as CPR sample preparations and automated surface sterilisation. Training on ROS and safety methods for collaborative robotics will be provided on the first day! The event also includes fun team-building activities to remove the initial stiffness and awkwardness of virtual events!
The number of places is limited and the registration closes at midnight on 8th of July. A refundable £30 registration fee will be charged to secure attendance. Please follow this link to register.
Event agenda to be published soon!
If you have any questions, please contact Gianmarco ( or Louise (
10 June 2021
Four of the talks on the last day of the TAS/RUSI conference at the end of this month will be given by (or will involve) TAS Node in Resilience members.
RUSI and the UKRI TAS – Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub – present Trusting Machines? Cross-sector Lessons from Healthcare and Security from 30 Jun, 2021 - 2 Jul, 2021. You can join three days of debate with academic experts, policy leaders and industry professionals to discuss a future where autonomous machines integrate into two of our most vital sectors.
Imagination sparks ideas, so Trusting Machines? offers a gallery of AI art to challenge participants with bold visions of the present and possible futures.
27 May 2021
The 19th International Conference on Software Engineering and Formal Methods (SEFM 2021) will be held between 6-10 December 2021.* This event is jointly organised by Carnegie Mellon University (US), Nazarbayev University (Kazakhstan) and University of York (UK) and aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government, to advance the state of the art in formal methods, to facilitate their uptake in the software industry, and to encourage their integration within practical software engineering methods and tools.
Special topic at SEFM 2021: “Software Engineering and Formal Methods for Resilient and Trustworthy Autonomous Systems”
Resilient autonomous systems
Verification and assurance of autonomous systems
Mitigation of uncertainty and disruption in autonomous systems
Integration of conventional software and machine learning
Assurance patterns and assurance cases for autonomous systems
Important dates
Abstract submission: Monday 19 July 2021 (AOE)
Paper submission: Friday 23 July 2021 (AOE)
Author notification: Friday 24 September 2021
Camera-ready submission: Friday 08 October 2021
*SEFM 2021 will be an entirely virtual event (due to the COVID-19 pandemic)
14 May 2021
The special issue on Software Engineering for Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems is now available electronically on ScienceDirect with 50 days’ free access to the articles. No sign up or registration is needed - just click and read!
Special Issue on software engineering for trustworthy cyber–physical systems (Editorial) -
Early validation of cyber–physical space systems via multi-concerns integration -
Security modelling and formal verification of survivability properties: Application to cyber–physical systems -
Assurance and certification of cyber–physical systems: The AMASS open source ecosystem -
Uncertainty-aware specification and analysis for hardware-in-the-loop testing of cyber-physical systems -
Signal-Based Properties of Cyber-Physical Systems: Taxonomy and Logic-based Characterization -
Adaptive distributed monitors of spatial properties for cyber–physical systems -
Product-line assurance cases from contract-based design -
16 April 2021
TAS Node in Resilience PhD studentship in Ethical, Legal and Social Norms for Resilient Autonomous Systems is now open for enquiries and applications! Deadline 14 May 2021.
12 April 2021
The Journal of Systems and Software (Elsevier) Special Issue on Software Engineering for Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems co-edited by Radu Calinescu (PI TAS Hub Node in Resilience) along with Danny Weyns and Tomas Bures
Project team members James Law and Mario Gleirscher, together with our collaborator James Douthwaite from the University of Sheffield, will give a presentation on the Safety of Collaborative Robots at the European Robotics Forum's 'TG-Safety - Needs and Challenges for Assuring the Safety of AI' workshop on 15 April 2021.
4 April 2021
The latest issue of Computing. (Volume 103, Issue 4) is now available online. This special issue on resilient software and software‑controlled systems (pp 1 to 79) has been edited by Radu Calinescu (PI TAS Hub Node in Resilience) and Felicita Di Giandomenico